FCA’s Hall of Champions was established in 1991 to honor individuals who have demonstrated a consistent commitment to Jesus Christ through the ministry of FCA. They are considered volunteer “All Stars” who have given above and beyond the call of duty and have upheld the Four Core Values of FCA: Integrity, Serving, Teamwork and Excellence.
Kay Yow
In 1975, first-year head coach Kay Yow allowed a campus ministry representative the opportunity to share the gospel with the North Carolina State women’s basketball team.
Betsy King
In college, Betsy King often walked past posted fliers announcing weekly FCA meetings.
Jerry Kindall
A longtime FCA supporter, Jerry Kindall served as an adult sponsor of FCA Huddles at the University of Minnesota and the University of Arizona during his coaching tenures there.
Paul Anderson
Often referred to as “The World’s Strongest Man,” competitive weightlifter and philanthropist Paul Anderson used his platform to promote FCA and minister to athletes and coaches around the world.
Dan Stavely
Known for his roles as a dynamic mentor and devoted athletic administrator, Dan Stavely joined FCA in 1958 and worked part-time for the ministry in Colorado.
Roger Staubach
While Roger Staubach was serving in the Navy, he was simultaneously embarking on a life-long relationship with FCA, which he joined in 1965 following one year of active duty in Vietnam.
Steve Owens
When Steve Owens arrived at the University of Oklahoma in 1966, he quickly joined a long line of football players who had been traditionally active in the FCA Huddle on campus.
Dick Lane
Dick Lane first volunteered with FCA in 1966 and made an immediate impact that continues to be felt today.
Tom Landry
It was early in his coaching career when Tom Landry began searching for greater meaning in life at a weekly Bible study. He accepted Christ as his Savior and attended the 1962 FCA National Conference at Estes Park where he was inspired to share his faith publicly.
James N. Jeffrey
In 1963, James N. Jeffrey became FCA’s third Executive Director. His involvement with the organization started seven years earlier when he attended the inaugural National Conference in Estes Park, Colorado.