FCA’s Hall of Champions was established in 1991 to honor individuals who have demonstrated a consistent commitment to Jesus Christ through the ministry of FCA. They are considered volunteer “All Stars” who have given above and beyond the call of duty and have upheld the Four Core Values of FCA: Integrity, Serving, Teamwork and Excellence.
John & Sylvia Peters
John and Sylvia Peters, for over three decades, have led what is known today as the Clemson Area FCA Adult Chapter to raise $622,245.00, which has then been dispersed among the local FCA ministries surrounding Clemson, South Carolina. Among those receiving these gifts are
Jeff Chase
For the last 12 years since his retirement, Jeff Chase has been a faithful volunteer, coach and FCA donor in the Lake Oswego, Oregon community, where he has lived with his wife, Patti, for more than 30 years. The ministry impact stemming
Mike and Lynne Krueger
Mike and Lynne Krueger have impacted hundreds of young people for Christ. Their enthusiasm for FCA has led many others to join the mission. An accomplished business leader in his professional career, Mike transferred those valuable experiences to FCA where he served on three
Jason and Jenny Stein
Jason and Jenny Stein have been serving at Sonora (Calif.) High School as a varsity basketball coach (Jason) and basketball athletic trainer (Jenny) for 26 years, while leading an FCA Huddle on campus for the last 21 years. Under the Steins’ leadership, the
Dr. Tom Woodall
Dr. Tom Woodall has been involved with FCA for more than 60 years, attending the first of at least 15 camps at Estes Park in 1963. Inspired by the public Christian witness of 11-year NBA veteran Bob Pettit, the first recipient of
Brian Brazil
As a coach for over 30 years throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Brian Brazil always had FCA as a part of his programs. Oftentimes, he led FCA on the different campuses he was on, beginning from when he was a
Chip and Jenifer Skinner
Chip and Jenifer Skinner have hosted countless students in their home as they started and led an FCA Huddle at their children’s high school. Chip committed his life to Christ at Black Mountain FCA Camp. In addition to being Huddle
Brian and Heidi Wikstrom
Brian and Heidi Wikstrom have served FCA since 2007 when Brian was a Huddle leader at camp. They’ve since committed to planning and implementing FCA Motocross Camp for 16 years. Brian also served on the FCA Motocross Board, becoming Board
Joe Owen
Joe Owen’s heart for inner city athletes has inspired many. He personally supported many youth, and he provided scholarships that sent hundreds of athletes to FCA Camp. Owen was instrumental in recruiting more FCA staff in Virginia, and he has
Timothy and Carol Bresnahan
Tim and Carol Bresnahan are truly a team. They have served FCA for 50 years in many roles within the ministry including coach, donor, board member, speaker and volunteer; and they make their decisions together. During his early years as