Jake Bostrom
John “Jake” Bostrom has been committed to FCA as a volunteer for more than a half-century, serving the Wisconsin FCA for the first two decades of its existence—and impacting countless coaches, athletes, volunteers and staff with his selfless service. In the late ’60s and early ’70s, Bostrom was invited to serve at FCA conferences in North Dakota, Indiana and Michigan. Many considered him well-suited as an FCA staff member, but God knew he would be more effective as a volunteer. Early Wisconsin FCA initiatives can trace their origins to Bostrom’s efforts.
Throughout the years, he organized a number of “Weekends of Champions” events, father/son banquets, FCA rallies and FCA Sundays for area churches. He also tirelessly raised funds for these events as well as for summer conferences and camps. In fact, more than 1,000 young athletes have attended FCA Camp because of his involvement.
Bostrom has also served extensively on state and local FCA boards and leaders within Wisconsin FCA say the ministry there would not be what it is without hiss influence.
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