Chang-won Kim
The nominee is a specialist in rehabilitation medicine and has provided support by sending medical staff to FCA events. He has participated in FCA sports camps (baseball, soccer, etc.) as well as 3D coach seminars and various events for 10 years. Since 2017, he has served two consecutive terms as the Chairman of FCA Korea.
The nominee has devotedly served as a sponsor and ministry volunteer from the time FCA first started its ministry in Korea 10 years ago.
From the time FCA Korea was established in 2017 to the present, he has been spreading positive influence serving as the Chairman of the board with his excellent leadership and supporting the ministry financially. He was awarded TLA Captain of FCA Korea in 2019 and 2020.
He is committed to the Word of God.
He also displays FCA’s core values through his life and ministry influencing many people positively.
Passion for FCA missions is exceptional.
As the Chairman and as a volunteer, he is the person who made the most donations in Korea, giving more than $30,000 a year.
As the chairman, he leads the leadership properly, and he is passionate not only about recommending new board members but helping them to participate and support the ministry.
He shows a consistent dedication to Jesus Christ and the Word of God. He displays FCA’s Core Values of Excellence, Integrity, Teamwork and Service) through his life and has played a pivotal role in FCA Korea’s growth. He does his best to glorify God in all things, whether it’s at home with his family, through work or serving His local church. He’s been chairman of the FCA Korea Board for over 10 years.
With his support, FCA Korea is committed to spreading the Gospel through sports to coaches, athletes and youth in Korea as well as being dedicated to empowering them.
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